Rabu, 17 Juli 2013

play with her #2 :sponge

sangat senang, karena akhirnya saya bisa posting kembali, dan tentunya bisa berbagi style..saya bangga memakai hijab dan tentunya harus menjaga agar tetap syar'i, dan tetap berhijab karena Allah..

(very happy, because I can post again, and sure to share my style ..I am proud to wear the hijab, and of course have to maintain syar'i, and keep hijab because Allah..)

thank you for watching,

Rabu, 24 April 2013

culinary post: racel risol

I want to share about culinary with my friend in "RACEL RISOL, MALANG".
hmm, 'about  the food' nggak usah diragukan lagi deh pastinya enak banget dan pastinya cocok banget buat kantong pelajar. Kalau kalian ke KOTA MALANG don't forget to visit "RACEL RISOL" ya.. 


 entah ini namanya apa, saya lupa..

 mie gila
rasakan sensasinya, hmm..

 mie sopan,
lebih sopan daripada mie gila, hahaha

 yang ini namanya panjang banget, jadi lupa..
dessert yang satu ini enak banget paduan ice cream dengan buah yang segar, rasanya pas banget
 horny corny
risoles dengan isi jagung, 

malay toast bread,
roti malay panggang dengan siraman dari karamel madu dan taburan gula salju..
hmm..pas banget

Selasa, 23 April 2013

sunday morning

sorry, I'm late to post, hahaha. Actually, this photos taken on 2012, but I'm very late post it. Oh, it's my first time to collaboration with my friend, Dearista Mayashela lho. Don't forget to visit her blog ya, (dearista mayashela)

Minggu, 17 Februari 2013

photography post : seaweed


now, I will post about my vacation, actually..
but, why the title is "seaweed"?
because I want to share about my photography experience in ngliyep, (my vacation with fastradha 2 months ago) and about one of my favourite photo.
Moreover, I want to say "thanks a lot" to my best friend 'putri' for her camera..

 'egg roll' at dearista's house,
hmmm, so yummy..

photographer : dearista "shela"

 photographer : ineelsa
I don't know what is it, but it interesting..
so, I took it..

no comment about it,
 yeah, it's me..
 amazing views of ngliyep,



favourite picture, 
do you think it's seaweed?

 photographer : ineelsa

do you know what is it?

photographer : fitridevy

amazing picture,
I don't know, who took this picture?
I will ask to my friend about it..

I don't know what is it..
it's one of my favourite photo..

ok, that's all about my photography experience..
thanks for watching,

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